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Fine Art







The mind’s perception of erie patterns and ominous connections in the chaos of randomness.


Dark Fenix


After having posted several images to social media, I received a message from a follower whom suggested my work resembled that of an impressionistic painting. And while I didn’t exactly deny where I drew my influences from, I was perplexed when people began making correlations from the image to real-world items.

At first, the comparisons were strictly visual - “I see a dragon… or a person walking their dog…etc..etc..” then people began seeing emotions, scenes, and various objects within each of the images. And that’s when I knew I had created something unique.

To create this type of imagery, I spent years comparing lenses to one-another in order to identify a specific quality I found most appealing and beneficial to the overall look and feel. From there…comes the process of photographing a specific type of subject and the numerous compositions that can be created. Once completed, I begin the editing/color manipulation in order to emphasize certain aspects of the image; which sometimes can take anywhere from two-three weeks to complete. In the end after multiple rounds of culling, I’ll select what I believe to be the most compelling images.

Recently Created Collections



The Pastalia Collection



